LPP and Game Theory

Unleash the power of optimization and strategic decision-making


About the course


This course provides a comprehensive understanding of Linear Programming Problems (LPP) and Game Theory. It covers the fundamental concepts and techniques used in solving optimization problems and analyzing decision-making processes in different scenarios.

Key Highlights:

  • Learn the basics of Linear Programming Problems
  • Understand the applications of Game Theory
  • Explore optimization techniques for decision-making
  • Analyze real-world problems using mathematical models
  • Gain practical skills in solving LPP and Game Theory problems

What you will learn:

  • Understanding Linear Programming
    Learn the foundational concepts of Linear Programming and its applications in various industries.
  • Optimization Techniques
    Master the different optimization techniques used to solve complex LPP and Game Theory problems.
  • Game Theory Applications
    Explore the strategic decision-making process using Game Theory and analyze competitive scenarios.
  • Real-world Problem Solving
    Apply mathematical models to real-world problems and devise optimal solutions using LPP and Game Theory.


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