MATH 44 SEC-II : C Programming Language

About the course


  • Unit 1

An overview of history of computers and architecture of computer. Concept of compiler, assembler, machine language, high level language, object-oriented language, programming language and importance of C programming.

  • Unit 2

Characters, Constants and variables data types. Expression, statements, declaration. Operators: Arithmetic operators, increment and decrement operators, relational operators, logical operators, assignment operators, conditional operators.

  • Unit 3

Conditional control statements: If, if-else, nested if-else statements. Switch, break and continue statements. Loop control statements: For, while and do-while statements.

  • Unit 4

Arrays, One-dimension, two-dimension and multidimensional arrays, declaration and type of arrays. Reading and displaying elements of arrays.

  • User-defined Functions:

Function Prototype, Definition of functions, Type of functions, local and global variables in a function, type of return values, function declaration, nesting of functions, main ( ) function, recurrence of function. Library functions, e.g. stdio.h, math.h, string.h, stdlib.h, etc. No arguments and no return values, arguments but no return values, arguments with return values, no arguments but returns a value.


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